Monday, February 23, 2015

Why it's Great to Cruise when it's Below Zero?

Just a few tidbits to "warm me up" so to speak as we freeze here in the sub-zero north.  It was -25 on my ride in to work. Some thoughts on why to take a cruise this time of year:

  1. Packing all that warm weather clothing just takes your inner temperature up about 5 degrees.  
  2. Knowing that you'll have to endure the plane and all things MOOOO! (as flying indicates...) Soon you'll be in balmy weather.
  3. Green plants, blooming flowers, green grass.  I have to say that I'm so sick of WHITE! 
  4. Blue ocean, ocean breezes and yummy fruity drinks.
  5. Sunglasses...'nuff said.
  6. Take a cruise, leave from the warmth of Florida (an option) and cruise to the even warmer Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.
  7. Throw away the vitamin D and get some sun.  Sun deprived skin turns to (safely now people, use sunscreen)  golden brown.
  8. Swimming, not only is it cardio but it's so wonderful to swim in warm salt water or even a pool.
  9. You can walk outdoors at night without hunching your shoulders against the cold.
  10. BEST of all - you're not in MICHIGAN, or BOSTON, or MAINE.  
It's just nice to dream of warm climates.  My desktop picture is Miami, when you're sailing away and  you see the people climb out of their cars and wave at you.  SO heavenly.  At least that gives me a little relief.

Happy Sailing,

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Unsure about a cruise-Read a Cruise a Review

I love reading cruise reviews. It doesn't matter if I'm taking that ship or going to that destination, it's so interesting to see the writers reaction to the ship.  For me, it's almost...almost...ALMOST like being on the ship.

I have some favorite cruise reviewer's like Gambee, Middle Aged Drama Queen, too many to name. 

If you are new to cruising, go to cruise Critic and choose the cruise line you're considering and read what others have to  say. 

Remember that one person's worst cruise is someone else's best!  Don't let that sway you.  

It's a joy to "try out" other cruise ships or cruise lines in this way.

Happy Cruising!